Celebrating International Women's Day on The Flower Podcast

A little change from the norm here. A blog post not by the voice of The Flower Podcast, Scot Shepherd, but from the only woman as part of the podcast team. Scott has mentioned our family several times and our involvement in the production of the podcast. It is definitely a family affair around here, but the rest of us are all happy to be in the role of the ‘behind-the-scenes team’.

As Scott and I were discussing what to do for International Women’s Day, it was clear….how do you choose just one thing. As I scrolled through our guests’ webpage, I couldn’t help but be continuously drawn back to the beautiful faces featured in each block and wanted to share a peak into just a few the ladies featured on The Flower Podcast.

So much diversity among these incredible women. Each share the common thread as a floral designer but these ladies also represent the vast professions in the floral industry….educator, author, entrepreneur, grower, and fashion designer.

Where to start? This year, we began our 6th season, and the realization of how many women have shared their lives with us was joyously overwhelming. I invite you to visit our website and YouTube channel and peruse all of the women featured on the podcast, blog, Instagram Lives, videos and more. I have chosen a few highlighting the diverse areas of the floral industry with many of the ladies wearing the proverbial multiple hats.

International Guests of The Flower Podcast

Being able to share the floral stories of women across the globe has been a highlight of The Flower Podcast. Flowers truly have no boundaries. What an honor to be heard around the world but even more to be honored by the conversations with these lovely women as they share their love of flowers in their current countries and throughout.

Gardens and flowers have a way of bringing people together, drawing them from their homes.
— Clare Ansberry

In the beginning…

I must start with Sybil Sylvester of Wildflower Designs. Sybil was a client of Scott’s when he worked at Mayesh Atlanta (formerly Cut Flower Wholesale), but she truly has become like family. Referred to as Scott’s Flower Mom, Sybil was our first guest of the podcast and has always been a cornerstone of support and encouragement for Scott and our family. Two of our sons have even had the privilege of working with Sybil on location as she once again demonstrates her confidence and love of our family.

Amy Osaba/ Image by @mksadlerwed

Amy Osaba/ Image by @mksadlerwed

Scott is affectionally named ‘Flower Dad’ by the ladies of Amy Osaba Design. Another amazing team embracing Scott and on occasion our son, Ryan, to work together on location. From day one, Amy Osaba, Mary Wynn, and Enemies of the Average, Ginny Early, have been champions of the podcast and friends of our family. You have seen their familiar faces as guests of the podcast and featured in our blog “ A Summer Garden Party Celebration”. Strength, determination, kind, and most importantly loving moms and wife, Amy and Ginny are role models to women everywhere.


Ginny Early/ Image by @sarah___ingram

Ginny Early/ Image by @sarah___ingram

The Love of Growing Flowers

The beloved flower farmer has become an invaluable component in the floral industry. Especially with the shutdowns of florist and events, our flower growers were a blessing to communities across the country providing beauty, joy, and hope of better days. The flower farming community has been a tremendous segment of the podcast and from personal experience of growing our own flowers and vegetables, farming is a continuous job of sweat, apprehension, dirty laundry, etc. Yet, it is the love of nature, respect of the land, and a passion for sharing the bountiful beauty of flowers that inspires the farmer to press forward.

Erin Benzakein/ Image by Chris Benzakein

Erin Benzakein/ Image by Chris Benzakein

Jennie Love/ Love N’ Fresh Flowers

Jennie Love/ Love N’ Fresh Flowers

Lisa Mason-Ziegler/ The Gardner’s Workshop

Lisa Mason-Ziegler/ The Gardner’s Workshop

Erin Benzakein has inspired countless women to take the courageous step to turn the first shovel of soil, have confidence to plant their first seed, and has in many ways brought elegance and motherhood to flower farming. Instrumental in growing the much needed area of Urban Farming, Jennie Love has embraced the concrete jungle and combines farming with her natural talent of floral designs and teaching sustainable methods. I feel as if I know Lisa Mason-Ziegler personally! She has been a guest of the podcast as well as sharing her time with Scott on Instagram Live. I believe her smile says it all. SHE LOVES GROWING! I have truly enjoyed her energy, her wealth of knowledge she brings to each conversation and of course let’s not forget what an incredible cheerleader this woman is to each grower. Whether you are just exploring the possibility of growing or you are a well- seasoned farmer, You are important to Lisa.

Passion and Purpose

I believe we all find our passion and purpose in life through many different paths and from personal experiences. In many ways, through the darkness of 2020, our world was given the opportunity to connect in ways we never imagined, extend a helping hand and embrace new hopes for a better tomorrow. We are honored to share the stories of women serving our floral community and forging new paths in the floral industry.


Deanna Kitchen

The Growing Kindness Project

Ariella Chezar

Floral Teacher, Farmer, Author, and Mentor

Image by @corbingurkin

Susan Bagle

Creative Director

Accent Decor Global Workplace Equality

Debra Prinzing Slow Flower Movement

image by (c) Missy Palacol Photography

Joy Proctor

BIPOC advocate and creator of

Say Their Name Memorial

Image by Kurt Boomer

Tobey Nelson

Sustainable Floristry/No Foam

image by Suzanne Rothmeyer Photography

Voices of The Floral Community

I have had the pleasure of engaging with many of our guests and although my opportunities are mostly through email, I do occasionally have the privilege of in person meeting. Nevertheless, I feel certain connections with these ladies through the editing process and of course my conversations with Scott. In so many ways, we all share the same stories of love, perseverance, trials and triumphs yet our individual journeys make it possible to empathize with one another and encourage one another. I chose these ladies partly for personal reasons but also for their impact on this industry in multiple ways.

Holly Chapple

The original “Flower Mama”! I have never met Holly but certainly feel as if I know her. Wife, Mother, Designer, Flower Grower, Entrepreneur, Inventor, Worldwide Teacher, Mentor….What else??? Holly has played an intricate role in the podcast. With late night heart to heart conversations, sometimes that needed nudge of encouragement (kick in the pants), or listening to the laughter behind-the-scenes, Holly and Scott are kindred spirits in sharing their voices with you. I look forward to sharing a table one day and joining in the laughter!

Laura Dowling

Former Chief Designer at The White House, author, and floral creative, Laura Dowling, touched my heart with her grace, elegance, and her passion for Floral Diplomacy. With a voice that I could listen to for hours, each interaction with Laura is heartfelt and personal as is the same feeling reflected in everyone of her designs.

Amy Nicole Balsters

Another lady I look forward to meeting some day, Amy’s compassion for this industry is incredibly touching. The Floral Coach™ shares her love of flowers through teaching and mentoring through online courses and hands on workshops. Another kindred connection, Amy and Scott can chat openly with one another about truly anything. The world needs women like Amy clearing the path through their kindness, vulnerability, and acceptance of loving people where they are and encouraging them through gentle honesty.


The Family


Thank you for sharing your time as we celebrate a few of the wonderful, amazing women of The Flower Podcast. It has been quite the journey since Scott approached me about starting a podcast. Little did I know where this would take our family. Scott and I began our own journey almost 28 years when he walked into the flower shop where I was working. I didn’t pursue floral design as a career but as the years unfolded, floral design, growing flowers, and now podcasting keeps me surrounded by the calming invite of flowers.

My first love, family, will always have my heart. I truly love the wife and mom role and although our children are young adults, my passion is for building family community, safety and protection of children, and advocating for voices of the unheard. Life took an unexpected turn a few years ago when one of our children became extremely ill but thankfully as he improves, I am eager to be more involved in issues close to my heart.

It doesn’t happen often that I share about our family, but I thought you might enjoy a peak at the faces of the podcast. Each one of these amazing men have been involved in some way with The Flower Podcast. I hope that as women, each one of you have the felt the respect and admiration from Scott that he has insisted upon in our home from these young men. Happy International Women’s Day!


Spring Design Tutorial by Joseph Massie

We’re excited to share this detailed design tutorial as a bonus Flower Class Session by Joseph Massie. With the excitement of Joe’s recently launched, Flower Class Membership, The Flower Class Sessions were created to offer you a little taste of the goodness you can expect to find inside the new membership offering.

At the end of the post we’ll include a link to our bonus episode with Joe. We discuss Flower Class in more detail, in addition, you can save through the end of February with a special offering for An Annual Flower Class Membership. Enjoy!

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How I Made It : The Alternative Spring Bowl


The Flower Podcast

Joseph_Massie_Floral_Designer_ - 1.jpeg
  • For this project, you will need :

  • 1 x Bowl, dish or vase

  • Chicken Wire

  • Paper covered wire

  • 1 x Kenzan or pin holder

  • A small piece of Oasis Fix or Cling

  • Scissors, Secatuers or a Floral Knife

Although often charming, Spring flowers can sometimes be a little too vibrant - a little too in-your-face, if you know what I mean?  Today I want to share a richer, darker colour palette, featuring a collection of my favourite seasonal blooms - Ranunculus and Hellebores. Depending upon where you are in the World, Ranunculus and Hellebore might not be blooming just yet, but as quintessential Spring blooms, they are the perfect blooms to use should you wish to recreate this design a little later in your local season. It’s worth noting that the techniques used in piece are very versatile and of course can be used for many other styles of bowl design too. 

A side note before we dive into this article - please know that this How I Made It article features gifted product - the wonderful stems of Hellebore, grown by the wonderful Marginpar. If you haven’t worked with their Hellebore before, you are in for a real treat! For further information, be sure to check out the Marginpar range of blooms right here. 

Joseph_Massie_Floral_Designer_ - 1.jpeg
  1. To begin, take a favourite bowl or container, and a small piece of oasis fix. Peel the paper from the fix, and roll it into a ball in your hands - you’ll feel it become more malleable as you the fix becomes warmer. 

  2. Take your pin-holder or kenzan, and place the fix to the back of your pin holder, ideally in the centre. 

3 - Place the pin holder directly into the centre of the bowl, and press down firmly, securing the pin holder into the centre of the bowl. I’m using a pin holder in this design as I want the security it provides to really hold my blooms in a certain form. If you desire a looser, less controlled form, then a pin holder may not be necessary, and you can skip the previous pages, and start this project on the next page. 

Joseph_Massie_Floral_Designer_ - 15.jpeg

4. Take a sheet of plastic coated chicken wire, and trim to a size approximately twice the size of the the diameter of your container. Begin by folding the corners of your chicken wire, and gently start to shape the chicken wire up into itself, forming a small nest to fit within your vessel, and being sure to create multiple layers of wire within the nest shape. 

5. Once formed, place the chicken wire nest into the bowl, so it sits level or just below the rim of your vessel. 

6. To secure the chicken wire within your container, thread the length of paper covered wire through the chicken wire, and loop it around, and underneath your vessel, bringing the ends back together on the rim of the vessel. Twist the ends of the wire together several times to secure. 

7. Repeat the process again a second time, securing the wire perpendicular to the first, intersecting in the centre of the vase. The chicken wire will be held snugly in place by the two pieces of paper covered wire, providing you with a stable base into which you can arrange your flowers. Fill your vessel approximately one third full with water.

8. With our mechanics in place, start by taking the stems of Hellebore, and remove most of the leaves from the stem. I often find that the beauty of Hellebore stems can be obscured by their heavy dense foliage - removing the foliage will also help the blooms last longer. Begin arranging by placing a couple of stems into the vase, arranging them asymmetrically as shown below. 

9. Continue to add Hellebore stems creating a stronger asymmetrical form, taller on the right of the vase, and shorter on the left. For the outermost stems, and the taller stems, try to arrange these into the pin holder, as this will provide the stems with additional support. Continue to add in further Hellebore, adding more open blooms within three key focal areas strengthening the asymmetrical form. 

10. Next begin to add in the Ranunculus to the design, starting by adding them lower into the design, at first, and then later adding them further towards the outer edge and taller parts of your design. The Ranunculus stems will likely be held in place in the chicken wire, however, you can insert them into the pin holder if you wish. 

11. Continue to add in further stems of both the Hellebore and Ranunculus until your bowl is full of Spring blooms. Once you are finished, ensure that you have no chicken wire on show, and top the bowl up with water until nearly full. Sit back, relax and enjoy! 

Joseph_Massie_Floral_Designer_ - 1.jpeg

I would like to thank Joseph Massie for providing this wonderful tutorial for designing with these beautiful spring blooms. It’s truly amazing what can be created with two types of blooms and a great design. I hope you feel inspired to try this design and when you do, please share it on social media and tag @theflowerpodcast and @josephmassie ! You have through February 2021 to use the links below to save $100 on the annual membership to Joe’s new online learning platform called ‘Flower Class’!

Be sure to listen to my chat with Joe or watch on our YouTube Channel. Serious content but with laughter and a lot of fun.


Flower Pull by Debbie Kline at Florabundance

Joost Bongaerts, owner and president of Florabundance, was a recent guest of The Flower Podcast. As one of the premier sources for wholesale fresh cut flowers, branched fruits, garlands, and greens in North America, Florabundance supplies floral designers with amazing variety, value and versatility.

After my chat with Joost, I thought our listeners would enjoy a closer look into the coolers of Florabundance and Joost agreed a ‘Flower Pull’ (as we in the industry say) was a great option.

Debbie Kline selected this beautiful collection of fresh and dried flowers, grasses, and foliages in a popular color palette for an Instagram Live. I certainly miss having my hands on flowers everyday so this was a wonderful treat especially to share with a fellow flower enthusiasts.

With this wonderful assortment of flowers, I wanted to share a list of the selections by name and variety (if known) for greater ease in identification. Being able to identify and communicate your preferences in your floral order is helpful to everyone in the process. We always encourage supporting our local growers and wholesalers but not everyone has that option so being able to source product from trusted companies with experience in shipping is a must.

Be sure to explore Florabundance.com for their full catalog or contact one of their floral experts. The Florabundance.com online shop is open seven days per week, 24 hours a day. Receive 10% off your first online order when you mention The Flower Podcast.


Amaranthus, Hanging - Bronze

Areca Palm Leaf per stem

Calathea, White Star 5st bu

Calcynia - White

Carnations, Specialty Putumayo - Beige

Carnations, Specialty Lege Marrone

Chestnut Foliage

Cosmos, Chocolate - Brown

Cotinus Flower - Brown, Fluffy

Dried Bleached Bougainvillea

Dried Bleached Protea Pods

Dried Bleached Yarrow

Echinacea Pods

Eremurus Peach

Eucalyptus, Willow

Eucalyptus, Pods

Eucomis, Pineapple Lily - White and Purple

Fountain Little Bunny Tail Brass

Grass Mixed Bouquet

Grevillea - Red


Hypericum - Peach

Limonium, Misty White

Lisianthus, Double Terra - Light Brown


Lisianthus, Double Terra - Light Brown

Lysimachia - White

Millet - Black

Mums, Spray-Cushion - Bronze

Orchid, Lady Slipper - Burgundy

Pampas Grass - Fresh

Papyrus, Umbrella

Pieris, Andromeda - Pink

Ranunculus - Butterfly - Light Pink

Rose CA Garden, Chiffon - Peach

Rose CA Garden Spray, Chantilly Lace

Rose CA Spray, Bridal Viel

Rose Dutch, Cappuccino Beige 10 stems

Rose S.A. Garden, Playa Blanca/White Beach

Rose S.A., Toffee 50cm - Beige/Brown

Rose S.A., Quicksand 50cm - Beige

Rose S.A. Spray, The Earth - Beige

Rudbeckia - Chocolate

Rudbeckia - Yellow

Scabiosa - Black

Scabiosa - Pods

Seastar Fern

Sword Fern

Yarrow - Red/Rust


It was so great to see several of these beautiful flowers from Florabundance!! Thank you Debbie, for pulling such a fabulous mix of flowers with so many of the trending tones. I hope this will help provide several of our listeners with inspiration for now or weddings and events to come soon.