Step by Step Growing Freesia | Onings America


Freesia has been a cherished flower in the industry for decades, but it’s mostly been imported or grown for large scale productions. I’m really excited to see more American flower growers starting to cultivate this stunning flower locally. After chatting with Henk Onings from Onings America, I’m even more thrilled about the new freesia varieties and the effort to make them more available to our local growers. Henk kindly shared a step-by-step guide for growing freesia that hasn’t posted on their website yet so I am delighted to share it with you here. This guide is packed with helpful tips and insights to help American flower farmers grow beautiful, high-quality freesia for our local florists and wedding professionals.

I encourage all flower farmers to give freesia a try. Adding new varieties of flowers to our floral community is essential for keeping our clients engaged and excited about new possibilities and the next trend of beauty. Freesia, with its stunning colors and delightful fragrance, is a fantastic addition that can set your offerings apart. By embracing the cultivation of freesia, we can bring more diversity and beauty to our local markets, captivating customers, and elevating our floral industry.

Images provided by Onings America